文:MenClub 魏文青  
POSTED ON 11 Sep 2020



要數香港美式漢堡,近年一定要提位於灣仔嘅Honbo。卻說早前《Bloomberg》公佈「全球最佳漢堡」名單,上榜嘅42間餐廳中得一間喺香港,而嗰間就係Honbo。Honbo為小店格局,成間鋪加埋都冇廿個位,但正因為係小店,所以無論係塊扒、醬汁定係個包都係自家製作。其中舊牛肉係以來自美國嘅牛肩及牛腩打成,即叫即煎,招牌2安士牛肉漢堡最多可以叫到四層,配上煙肉嘅「The Gold Standard」亦係熱門之選。埋單都係百令蚊,再加上位於出名有外國味道嘅灣仔「日月星街」地區,食完出去行下幾寫意呀!

Honbo (灣仔日街6-7號日新樓地下B號舖)

Pompous Burger

American Dream

Grand Hyatt Steakhouse

顧名思義就係灣仔Grand Hyatt入面嘅扒房,原本係出名食蠔、海鮮、牛扒同紅酒,但今年年頭農曆新年/情人節期間推出嘅期間限定漢堡菜單非常受歡迎,所以亦正式納入菜單之中。其中以Pompous Burger最受歡迎,點解?我譯返個中文名你睇就知:和牛黑松露醬鵝肝漢堡,有咩可能唔好食?另外American Dream 和牛龍蝦漢堡亦非常吸引!而且仲係酒店餐廳喎,Grand Hyatt喎,唔失禮呀!

Grand Hyatt Steakhouse (灣仔港灣道1號君悅酒店大堂)

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“The best revenge is massive success” Frank Sinatra At midnight tonight, we will no longer be able serve our friends and neighbours our cocktails, food, or even our midnight cookies during our normal operating hours. Our team is sad but we are not defeated.✊???? So it is with great pleasure we introduce... The Diplomat Cafe✨ Serving lunch from 12nn-6pm with house sodas along with takeaway food items and large format takeaway cocktails until 9pm everyday except Sunday.  Don’t worry, we still have all your favourite cocktails so just ask us for the full cocktail menu. Feel free to DM us on IG or Facebook for any takeaway inquiries. We even have some cookies in the back if you need. ???????????? See you soon at The Diplomat Cafe

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The Diplomat

The Diplomat係位於砵甸乍街嘅一間酒吧,由調油師John Nugent於年頭開設,咁理所當然地,大部人去都去為咗飲嘢,但唔代表佢啲嘢唔好食!其中就有The Diplomat Burger,簡簡單單嘅Quater Pounder加車打芝士再加佈滿芝麻嘅麵包,仲有香脆薯片伴碟,瞬間令你疑惑自己究竟係黎飲嘢定食包。

The Diplomat (中環砵甸乍街45號H Code (High Block)LG樓)

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ELECTRIC BURGER RESTAURANT BAR(@electric_ave_hk)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Electric Ave

位於西營盤皇后大道西,主打手做漢堡的Electric Ave,由英國人Andy經營。

最受歡迎嘅有一系列「Hong Kong Burgers」,包括「Curry Lamb Burger」、「NWA Burger」、及「Go Fo It Burger」,另外亦有Chesee Chicken Carbonara Burger、Black Cheddar等等,全部都份量十足。而且Electic Ave仲有一個非常值得大家支持嘅理由,而個理由呢,你拎上面「位於西營盤皇后大道西…」嗰句去Google就知架啦!

Electric Ave (西環西營盤皇后大道西301號地下)

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⁣ [ Delicious USA Hong Kong 2020 Reminder]⁣ 2nd @delicioususa_hk festival will be ended this week! Don’t miss the chance to taste The Hogtown with dry-aged beef patty and US pulled pork, perfect match with Sweet Potato Fries. You can enjoy this US combo dine in or get 20% discount for takeout.⁣ ⁣ Come for a burger and upload to instagram. Chance to win $6000 vouchers home!⁣ For more details visit: https://bit.ly/2WCijzh⁣ ⁣ 第二屆 Delicious USA Hong Kong美食節去到今個禮拜就完啦!大家記得過黎試下我哋嘅招牌乾式熟成牛肉配美國優質慢煮手撕豬肉同美國香甜蕃薯條。大家可以到餐廳堂食享受依兩款美國之選或以八折外賣自取優惠帶番屋企食啦!⁣ 喺 Instagram 打卡仲有機會贏走超過$6,000嘅美食禮券!千祈唔好錯過,詳情請瀏覽: https://bit.ly/2WCijzh⁣ ⁣ #TheButchersClub #HogTown #SweetPotatoFries #US #DeliciousUSA #Delicioushk #hkfoodie #hkevent #hkfood #hkfoodfestival #afoodieworld

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The Butcher's Club

於灣仔、尖沙咀、太古坊都有分店,用上澳洲有機穀飼牛,再乾式熟成30日。而Butcher's Club嘅另一個特色,就會店內提供Impossible Food及Beyond Meat生產嘅植物性肉類,簡單啲即係睇落、食落都似肉嘅素食漢堡。假如你嘅另一半話要減肥、要食素,捉佢去Butcher's Club佢就阻唔到你大啖肉嘅慾望。

The Butcher's Club (地址去官網睇 https://thebutchers.club/burger-hk/)